BOB: Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain媒体报道

17 June 2018

Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain
Lying in mountains with a lake by side, the School Affiliated to Luofu Mountain Chinese Classics Institute in Guangdong province covers an area of over a hundred acres. Inside of the school, hundreds of evergreen trees flourish in a tiny valley. The school authorities hope to make use of the valley for outdoor activities, so that children can enjoy happy physical education.
A forest can become a place for children to return to nature, to explore and to think, to sweat and to sit still alone. In the nature, they can forget themselves and can also search for their inner selves. Building a climbing system, architects connect all the trees in the valley by hundreds of diverse white triangle nets to constitute a combination of various topological folding surfaces like a “white sea” for children to swim carefree. Hanging baskets located in high or low levels are called “wormholes” by students. These cages are linked to each other in several round yards at the bottom of the valley. A slender ladder slides straight down from the top of one side of the valley to the swings on sand above which an octagonal glass maze stands on a suspended square; next to the sand dune is the trampoline platform. What’s more, two huge spiral tubes and hemispherical tents embrace students inside of them, floating among the crowns of trees as crystal jellyfishes drifting on the sea. Thanks to the system, children have intimate access to the great nature in different height, to make houses for squirrels, to sing with birds and to enjoy the sunshine glistening through the leaves. In rough-and-tumble play, they build up friendship and learn to help each other; in silence exposed in nature, they picture the truth of beauty. Unconsciously, they grow up physically strong and mentally positive.
No tree was cut down during the construction except those already withered. In the basic climbing system, every side of triangle nets is fixed on a tree by solid steel wire ropes with sleepers in order to protect the plants. When the gap between boles was too wide or the bole was not strong enough, columns were set to serve as a supplemental support posts. To some extent, the whole forest is a unit, with a second safety net under the higher system. In the year of construction, no trees fall down although frequently attacked by typhoon. It is convenient to get in and out through multiple exits set on the ground and in the aerial structure. In addition the scope of activities is defined by yards and corridors on the ground, which is easy to administrate and to ensure the safety of students.
This cute valley is a paradise for adults as well. Many parents who came with their children from surrounding cities have also retrieved their own joy of childhood. So you have one more place to communicate with nature in Luofu Mountain. Here, everyone is a child.

Project Name:  Climbing Park of Luofu Mountain
Architects:  unarchitecte
Architect in charge:  Zhang Hetian
Design Team:  Zhang Hetian, Sun Qingfeng, Sun Jihua, Cheng Bingli, Zhou Qingjun, Jiang Shihua
Completion Year:  2018
Area:  5000 sqm
Address:  the School Affiliated to Luofu Mountain Chinese Classics Institute , Boluo County,
                  Huizhou City, Canton Province, China
Photographer:  Zhang Hetian
Development company:  the School Affiliated to Luofu Mountain Chinese Classics Institute
Construction company:  Beijing Changchenghuayao Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd
Materials:polyester net
(NB: Maybe it is one of the biggest polyester-net climbing parks, specially built for school, in the world.)